Source code for azure_databricks_sdk_python.clusters

from azure_databricks_sdk_python.api import API
from azure_databricks_sdk_python.types.clusters import *

from cattr import structure, unstructure
from typing import List

[docs]class Clusters(API): """The Clusters API allows you to create, start, edit, list, terminate, and delete clusters. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def list(self): """Return information about all pinned clusters, active clusters, up to 70 of the most recently terminated all-purpose clusters in the past 30 days, and up to 30 of the most recently terminated job clusters in the past 30 days. Returns: [ClusterInfo]: A list of clusters. """ endpoint = '/clusters/list' res = self._get(endpoint) return self._safe_handle(res, res.json().get('clusters', []), List[ClusterInfo])
[docs] def list_node_types(self): """Return a list of supported Spark node types. These node types can be used to launch a cluster. Returns: [NodeType]: The list of available Spark node types. """ endpoint = '/clusters/list-node-types' res = self._get(endpoint) return self._safe_handle(res, res.json().get('node_types', []), List[NodeType])
[docs] def spark_versions(self): """Return the list of available runtime versions. These versions can be used to launch a cluster. Returns: [SparkVersion]: All the available runtime versions. """ endpoint = '/clusters/spark-versions' res = self._get(endpoint) return self._safe_handle(res, res.json().get('versions', []), List[SparkVersion])
[docs] def get(self, cluster_id): """Retrieve the information for a cluster given its identifier. Clusters can be described while they are running or up to 30 days after they are terminated. Args: cluster_id (str):The cluster about which to retrieve information. This field is required. Returns: ClusterInfo: Metadata about a cluster. """ endpoint = '/clusters/get' data = {'cluster_id': cluster_id} res = self._get(endpoint, data) return self._safe_handle(res, res.json(), ClusterInfo)
[docs] def events(self, req: ClusterEventRequest, force: bool = False): """Retrieve a list of events about the activity of a cluster. Args: req (ClusterEventRequest): Cluster event request structure. This field is required. force (bool): If false, it will check that req is a dict then pass it as is, with no type validation. Returns: ClusterEventResponse: Cluster event request response structure. """ endpoint = '/clusters/events' data = self._validate(req, ClusterEventRequest, not force) res = self._post(endpoint, data) return self._safe_handle(res, res.json(), ClusterEventResponse)
[docs] def pin(self, cluster_id): """Ensure that an all-purpose cluster configuration is retained even after a cluster has been terminated for more than 30 days. Pinning ensures that the cluster is always returned by the List API. Pinning a cluster that is already pinned has no effect. Args: cluster_id (str):The cluster to pin. This field is required. Returns: ClusterId: in case of success or will raise an exception. """ endpoint = '/clusters/pin' data = {'cluster_id': cluster_id} res = self._post(endpoint, data) return self._safe_handle(res, data, ClusterId)
[docs] def unpin(self, cluster_id): """Allows the cluster to eventually be removed from the list returned by the List API. Unpinning a cluster that is not pinned has no effect. Args: cluster_id (str):The cluster to pin. This field is required. Returns: ClusterId: in case of success or will raise an exception. """ endpoint = '/clusters/unpin' data = {'cluster_id': cluster_id} res = self._post(endpoint, data) return self._safe_handle(res, data, ClusterId)
[docs] def delete(self, cluster_id): """Terminate a cluster given its ID. Args: cluster_id (str): The cluster to be terminated. This field is required. Returns: ClusterId: in case of success or will raise an exception. """ endpoint = '/clusters/delete' data = {'cluster_id': cluster_id} res = self._post(endpoint, data) return self._safe_handle(res, data, ClusterId)
[docs] def permanent_delete(self, cluster_id): """Permanently delete a cluster. Args: cluster_id (str): The cluster to be permanently deleted. This field is required. Returns: ClusterId: in case of success or will raise an exception. """ endpoint = '/clusters/permanent-delete' data = {'cluster_id': cluster_id} res = self._post(endpoint, data) return self._safe_handle(res, data, ClusterId)
[docs] def resize(self, req: ClusterResizeRequest, force: bool = False): """Resize a cluster to have a desired number of workers. The cluster must be in the RUNNING state. Args: req (ClusterResizeRequest): Cluster resize request structure. This field is required. force (bool): If false, it will check that req is a dict then pass it as is, with no type validation. Returns: ClusterId: in case of success or will raise an exception. """ endpoint = '/clusters/resize' data = self._validate(req, ClusterResizeRequest, not force) res = self._post(endpoint, data) return self._safe_handle(res, ClusterId(cluster_id=data.get('cluster_id')))
[docs] def restart(self, cluster_id): """Restart a cluster given its ID. The cluster must be in the RUNNING state. Args: cluster_id (str): The cluster to be started. This field is required. Returns: ClusterId: in case of success or will raise an exception. """ endpoint = '/clusters/restart' data = {'cluster_id': cluster_id} res = self._post(endpoint, data) return self._safe_handle(res, data, ClusterId)
[docs] def start(self, cluster_id): """Start a terminated cluster given its ID. Args: cluster_id (str): The cluster to be started. This field is required. Returns: ClusterId: in case of success or will raise an exception. """ endpoint = '/clusters/start' data = {'cluster_id': cluster_id} res = self._post(endpoint, data) return self._safe_handle(res, data, ClusterId)
[docs] def create(self, req: ClusterAttributes, force: bool = False): """Create a new Apache Spark cluster. This method acquires new instances from the cloud provider if necessary. Args: req (ClusterAttributes): Common set of attributes set during cluster creation. This field is required. force (bool): If false, it will check that req is a dict then pass it as is, with no type validation. Returns: ClusterId: in case of success or will raise an exception. """ endpoint = '/clusters/create' data = self._validate(req, ClusterAttributes, not force) res = self._post(endpoint, data) return self._safe_handle(res, res.json(), ClusterId)
[docs] def edit(self, req: ClusterAttributes, force: bool = False): """Edit the configuration of a cluster to match the provided attributes and size. Args req (ClusterAttributes): Common set of attributes set during cluster creation. This field is required. force (bool): If false, it will check that req is a dict then pass it as is, with no type validation. Returns: ClusterId: in case of success or will raise an exception. """ endpoint = '/clusters/edit' data = self._validate(req, ClusterAttributes, not force) res = self._post(endpoint, data) return self._safe_handle(res, ClusterId(data.get('cluster_id')))